The Fuji of the south on the Satsuma Peninsula
Did you know that in Japanese, satsuma has nothing to do with a small orange but means sweet potato. I had a sweet potato ice cream here..... mmmmm it was delicious.

Poppy fields

On the ferry to Sakura-jima

Sakura-jima is the worlds most active volcano

Kids in Sakura-jima wear helmets to protect themselves from volcanic debris from regular erruptions

More volcanic stuff...
We are inside the world's largest cauldera Aso-san in central Kyushu, but it seems strangely familiar. Looks a lot like Wales, without the sheep.

Yes, this really was a long way to come to end up in Wales.

Hiroshima immediately stikes you as a clean, green and ironically peaceful city, obviously with no old buildings.

The A-bomb dome. One of the only buildings to remain standing after the blast.

After the bomb.

Children make thousands of paper cranes as a symbol of peace.


The deer are friends with Buddha so they wander around the temple grounds.
Bonotsu Beach Lindsay doing James Bond/Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragan

"You Only Live Twice" was filmed at this beach

Iya valley gorge in Shikoku, Koi kites

Vine Bridge- Iya valley

Wobbly Bridge

Kat and Kate learn to fly

Ha ha! Air guitar, Kat's special... please excuse the underwear show!

The only thing that make me sad is that this is the last time we will all be together. Already feel so natsukaskiiiiiiiii.
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