The home visit was short and sweet and it was so good to see everyone. But managed to fit in some time en famile as well as lots of parties! Trips down to the mill in Devon and surfing in cornwall with Davy and the boys. Then had a whizz around scottyland to see the Cat in St Andrews- ra ra !! Caught up with lots of mates in London too. It was so good to see you all xxxxxxxxx

SomeRset oooooooooh ARRRRRRRRRRR
Chilling at the Fairy House with Beggo, Beans and Kitten
Angleterre may be rainy but it's where me peeps is living and i miss yo dudes everyday. ..Everyday's a party wooooooo hoooooooooooo. Send my love to the cows
i miiis you tooo seeeeeester! i love you dude
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