Hello! Or should I say ~Namaste~. This is me with some elephants in Kerela.
Arriving in India was a total assault on the senses, a huge culture shock coming from Japan. Forget bowing- Push in! Noisy, crazy, dirty, staring people, hot, sweaty, smelly.... but amazing too. Even on the plane from Colombo I think I one of the only women on the flight and all the moustache-faced men seemed to be stare-out champions, so unlike the polite, averted eyes of Japan. Something i found most bizarre was the lack of women- everywhere. You only seem to have contact with men. Partly because there are just fewer women and partly because they are less likely to speak english and work in the tourist industry and more likely to be at home.
Nikada with the fruit! Mysore market
India is without a doubt the most colourful place I have ever been. A rainbow array of saris contrast against the red earth and vibrant green vegetation..... splendid.
Here are some of the animals I met.....
Water Buffalo grazing in Hampi
Bored of cows yet???? Check out birth on the roadside. All the cars, buses, rickshaws and mopeds whizzing by.. but the miracle of birth was taking place. Gross! But strangely beautiful too- couldnt take my eyes away from it.