It was so good to see all the family and friends in the US again. I can't believe it had been 8 years since my last visit! Grandpa was on really good form. Unfortunately Long Island seemed in danger of flooding at the time, but the rain just reminded me of home ; )
Howdy! Here's Donte at the Albama shrimp fest. Darn it- them ol' gaters taste good. mmm mmm Just like chicken, I'd say. Gregg took me on a motorbike ride out to Florida. Riding along the coast was so much fun!! We went to Mississippi and Louisiana too. Even 2 months after the hurricane the damage was still unbelievable and we only saw the wind damamge as the coastal areas were still shut off to all but residents and resue workers.
Gregg, me, Janice and Donte
Halloween- Justin as Team Zizou (Life aquatic) and me as a fairy v predictable i know
The Grande Pomme was pretty wild. Justin took me to a Wolf Parade gig in the city- which was totally rad!! Did Manhattan with Minty! She took me to some parties including the opening of an art show in Brooklyn. Went to art galleries, shopping and yoga class. So fell like i got a taste for v trendy NY lifestyle. So much fun! A cocktail Bar in Manhattan Minty, Me , Adam and Kim
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